Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Getting Rid of Pets Can be a Good Thing

        Have you ever gotten a pet, and they were too much to handle? That's why giving pets up for adoption should stay legal in the U.S.A. Because dogs can give birth up to five or six puppies, the owner would have to let others adopt puppies. Pets might not behave the way they are expected to. Also, owners might not be able to afford having a pet anymore. That is why being able to get rid of pets should stay legal.
       If pets give birth to pups, kittens, or any type of baby, the owners would get very tired of taking care of so many pets. If the owners have their own kids, the house would get very messy, meaning lots of cleaning for parents. If owners plan on hiring a babysitter, the sitter would want to receive a large amount of money for taking care of so many puppies. It's important to be able to give away or sell puppies.
      If owners get fired from their jobs or if they have a low salary, they wouldn't be able to afford keeping their pets healthy, or maybe even keeping them alive. If pets get sick and the owners cant pay for their medication, how are they supposed to keep it alive? They could find a different suitable home for the pet. Also, having a pet when you have a low salary will make your life harder.
      Lastly, pets with bad behaviors can be problematic. Cats and dogs do bite, and bites hurt a lot. Owners with kids have to watch out for these kinds of actions from pets. Not only is it dangerous, but there's little that can be done to retrain an older animal. Training, either yourself, or with professional help can cost a lot of money, and can take up a lot of your time. If pets have bad behaviors, they could ruin your couches or other furniture. If they do ruin your furniture, you would need to buy more. That means spending more money. Pets with bad behaviors will eat up your wallet and your furniture.
     Putting any breed of dog, or any species of cat, or any type of pet up for adoption should stay legal in the U.S.A. Pups or kittens can be too much to handle, especially because they can give birth to a lot of pups. Owners might not be able to afford keeping pets anymore, and they might have bad behaviors. I'm so glad I convinced myself to get rid of animals because I just sold my dog, and now my house smells a lot better!